
Mehedi Hasan

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Key Result Area 2


Shared Resources Joint Solutions

The Shared Resources, Joint Solutions Programme, funded by the Netherlands ministry of foreign affairs and IUCN Netherlands as one of the major partners, is a five year programme that will work to reduce the impact of international drivers/threats of ecosystem change and degradation such as the emerging Oil and Gas sector, sugarcane and tobacco growing and other extractives within two major landscapes i.e. the Murchison Landscape and the Queen Elizabeth Landscape in south western Uganda.

Mobilizing More for Climate (MoMo4C)

ECOTRUST is implementing the MoMo4C Uganda programme, aiming to build a climate resilient Murchison landscape by engaging landscape level stakeholders from communities, local government, private businesses, and other civil society networks to support viable green business investments to enhance landscape restoration whilst improving community livelihoods.

The Rwenzori Gateway

ECOTRUST has through its land trust programme successfully converted a 32ha piece of formerly degraded farmland into a privately managed nature reserve the Rwenzori Gateway. Through selective and gradual removal of exotics, the farmland is being managed to regenerate into a natural forest, providing a buffer to the Rwenzori Mountains National Park – a World Heritage and Ramsar Site.

Restoration of Bugoma - Bugambe Forest Linkages

ECOTRUST with funding from the World Land Trust is supporting the establishment of a Corridor Restoration Fund (CRF) to drive the restoration of forest connectivity corridors between the two forest reserve forests of Bugoma and Budongo in the Murchison Landscape of Western Uganda (the Bugoma-Budongo Corridor).

Summary of Key Strategies

Implement value addition property investments and proposals

Conservation Land Trusts : To protect land for future generations e.g. The Rwenzori Mountains Gateway – A 35 ha piece of degraded farmland that has through an assistive natural regeneration process been restored into a natural forest, acting as a buffer to the Rwenzori Mountains National Park.

Promote Community Forest and Wetland Conservation

Community Managed Reserves : Working with various stakeholders i.e. local governments, forest adjacent households, opinion leaders and special interest groups such as hunters, craft makers, political, cultural and religious leaders to promote community forest and wetland conservation through;

● Registration of Communal Land Associations.
● Supporting documentation for land tenure.
● Supporting implementation of land management plans.
● Development of management plans for Privately Protected Areas (PPA).
● Development of wetland management plans.
● Development of institutional frameworks (CBOs, by-laws, management committees and conservation agreements)
● Registration of CBO’s as CLA’s

Joint lobby and advocacy

Shared Resources Joint Solutions Programme (SRJS) 2015 – 2020; for the protection of International Public goods such as water provision and food security through lobby and advocacy. Funded by the Dutch Government through the Netherlands committee of IUCN.

Establishment of Environmentally friendly and gender responsive business models

Working with the private sector : to support the greening of value chains through building sustainable partnerships between private sector and supply chain actors.

Mobilizing More for Climate (MoMo4C) – 2019 – 2020; aiming to bring together entrepreneurs, firms, policymakers, investors and civil society organizations to make green business propositions that tackle the impacts and causes of climate change at landscape level and to attract investments to implement these initiatives. Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Trees for Global Benefits : A climate change mitigation/adaptation scheme that rewards smallholder farmers for adopting sustainable practices by linking them to financing and markets.

Wildlife Risk Mitigation.

Human Wildlife Conflict Resilience Fund :  A local community-driven and financed compensation scheme that aims at enhancing community resilience to losses from wildlife incursions. This has been developed in collaboration with the Jane Goodall Institute and Chimpanzee Trust with funding from USAID through Uganda Biodiversity Fund