Global Objective
Support the Development of Business Initiatives that strongly benefit the local landscape, up to the point of third-party investment or independent growth
Overall Theme – Murchison Landscape
Sustainable Forest Management as a Business: Developing Green Enterprises for the Sustainable Restoration and Management of Forests in the Bugoma-Budongo Corridor of the Murchison landscape
2021 Target
Communal Forests managed by Community Land Associations (CLAs) in Masindi District as a Buffer to Budongo Central Forest Reserve
Priority Climate Action
Supporting Climate resilient value chains and market linkages for the adoption of evergreening practices – Ensure smallholder access to and equitable involvement in agroforestry or natural resource-based markets and value chains by increasing economic incentives for community members to adopt conservation best practices; and Designing Green Enterprises such as apiculture, aquaculture, local fruits trees, resins and other non-timber forest products; sustainably grown wood, seedling nurseries and small-scale fodder products
The overall aim of the MoMo4C programme is to develop and scale up landscape programs for climate resilient agriculture and forestry. The program focuses on developing business cases with communities, public sector, and the private sector; as well as; innovative financing models. The project is being implemented through 3 strategic pathways:

The overall aim is to build climate resilient livelihoods in climate resilient landscapes where multiple stakeholders work together to manage the landscape ecosystems to ensure climate resilient sustainable development. The project is working towards three main outcomes:
- A predictable investment policy environment for the establishment of green investments in the Murchison landscape
- Public & private, local & international climate resilient investments attracted into the landscape
- Green financing made available for supporting green business propositions; and replicable models documented and shared for scalability
Business Plans Developed for 10 Community Forests
In 2020 the MoMo4C project trained and facilitated 10 Community Land Associations (CLAs) in the Murchison landscape to develop Business Plans for sustainable green enterprises for strengthening ownership, protection, and conservation of their community forests while benefiting from them. The Associations were further supported with start-up capital of US$555 each to kick-start the production phases. This was in addition to the local resources mobilized by the associations both in cash and in-kind. From the knowledge, skills and resources attained, the associations started rolling out their business plans and registration of their enterprises (see image below).

The 2021 MoMo4C call for proposals is aimed at inviting innovative propositions for developing these business plans into full-blown green business cases – either as individual associations, or as groups of associations undertaking similar enterprises, or as a group of associations undertaking a new third-party enterprise that could be introduced linking these associations.
Ongo CLA, 200ha Nyantozi Parish Budongo Sub County
Ongo CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Land Title has been issued, pending declaration (Kibale, Abangi, Onini and Ogadra villages); Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed; Selected aspects of management plan being implemented, Benefit Sharing options discussed. Has received some funding from ECOTRUST & have earned income from hosting group on REDD learning exchange, has commercial nursery operations. Business plan for Sustainable Forest Management developed in 2020
Ongo CLA, 200ha Nyantozi Parish Budongo Sub County
Ongo CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Land Title has been issued, pending declaration (Kibale, Abangi, Onini and Ogadra villages); Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed; Selected aspects of management plan being implemented, Benefit Sharing options discussed. Has received some funding from ECOTRUST & have earned income from hosting group on REDD learning exchange, has commercial nursery operations. Business plan for Sustainable Forest Management developed in 2020
Ongo CLA, 200ha Nyantozi Parish Budongo Sub County
Ongo CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Land Title has been issued, pending declaration (Kibale, Abangi, Onini and Ogadra villages); Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed; Selected aspects of management plan being implemented, Benefit Sharing options discussed. Has received some funding from ECOTRUST & have earned income from hosting group on REDD learning exchange, has commercial nursery operations. Business plan for Sustainable Forest Management developed in 2020
Tengere CLA, 52ha Nyantozi Parish Budongo Sub County,
CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Pending Land Title issuance & final declaration as a Community Forest (Rwentale I, Rwentale II, Kabali and Nyantonzi villages); Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed. Business plan and benefit sharing strategy developed
Motocayi CLA 21ha Nyabyeya / Nyantonzi
CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation (Rwensama, Karongo, Nyabigoma and Ekarakaveni villages). Pending Land Title issuance & declaration; Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed, Business plan and benefit sharing strategy developed
Alimugonza CLA 43.5ha Pakanyi Parish
CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Pending Land Title issuance & declaration (Nyangahya Sub County, Alimumugonza I and Alimumugonza Central, Kinura, Kabarogota, Tantara, Kituka and Pabidi). Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed. Business plan and benefit sharing strategy developed
Kaitampisi CLA 57ha Nyabyeya Parish
CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Pending Land Title issuance & declaration (Budongo Sub -county); Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed. Business plan and benefit sharing strategy developed.
Kyamasuka CLA 55ha Nyabyeya Parish
CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Pending Land Title issuance & declaration (Nyabyeya villages Budongo Sub- County, Nyabyeya Centre, Nyabyeya I, Kyempunu and Lugazi). Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed. Business plan and benefit sharing strategy developed
Rwentumba CLA 200ha Nyantonzi Parish
CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Pending Land Title issuance & declaration
Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed, Business plan and benefit sharing strategy developed
Bineneza CLA 259.6ha Bineneza
CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Pending Land Title issuance & declaration Katanga, Katugo I, Katugo II, Rwentale I, Rwentale II, Nyantonzi and Bineneza-Kisabagwa). Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed. Business plan and benefit sharing strategy
Siiba CLA 20ha Nyantonzi Parish
CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Pending Land Title issuance & declaration (Budongo Sub County Kidamukye, Bwinamira I, Bwinamira III, Bulyango, Kyamongi, Ekarakaveni II, Ekarakaveni I, Siiba, Nyabigoma and Karongo). Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed. Business plan and benefit sharing strategy developed
Sonso CLA 20ha
CLA has certificate of Compliance & Certificate of Incorporation. Pending Land Title issuance & declaration (Mubende, Kapeka I, Kapeka II, Ewafala and Kyankade). Forest boundary demarcated, current levels of off-takes established, sustainable levels established, and management plan & CBO constitution developed. Business plan and benefit sharing strategy developed
2021 Call for Proposals
The Murchison landscape MoMo4C Project is calling for innovative green propositions to support the development of the nascent CLA Business Plans into full-blown Business Cases for the Sustainable Management of community forests as buffers to the Budongo Forest Reserve -while at the same time, enabling the CLA members to benefit from them. An entity may only apply for only one LOT. The proposals submitted must seek support for ONLY ONE of the three levels:
Lot 1
Support the implementation and scaling out of the individual CLA Business Plans to full-blown green business cases. The support requested under this LOT 1 must NOT exceed Euro 10,000 per CLA; and should address technical services required, capacity building and in-kind needs of the Association’s business plan including, but not limited to, Improved Production, Product Processing, Packaging, and Marketing, and Training and Capacity Building in different aspects of the Business. No support will be provided towards wages and similar administrative costs. All support will be provided in form of services requested. NO direct cash awards will be provided.
• Eligibility – All individual CLAs are eligible to apply under this Lot 1. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Private Sector Companies and individual entrepreneurs in close proximity to the community forests or to the CLAs are also eligible to apply. Only 3 winning proposals will be awarded support in this LOT 1
Lot 2
Supporting several CLAs with similar enterprises to develop joint venture full-blown business cases These may be linked to private off-takers or the CLAs with a similar enterprise may combine into a larger association and a broader business plan.
Four CLAs (Alimugonza, Motokai, Kaitampisi and Rwentumba) have business plans for large scale bee keeping. Five CLAs (Ongo, Sonso, Kyamasuka, Bineneza and Siiba) have business plans for large scale production of tree seedlings. One CLA (Tengele) is focusing on aquaculture.
Propositions towards these types of joint ventures must NOT exceed Euro 20,000. They should address technical, or aggregation services required, capacity building and in-kind needs of the “joint venture” business plan including, but not limited to, Improved Production, Product Processing, Packaging, and Marketing, and Training and Capacity Building. No support will be provided towards wages and similar administrative costs. All support will be provided in form of services requested. NO direct cash awards will be provided.
• Eligibility – CLAs with similar enterprises are eligible to apply. Value Chain actors and off-takers within these green enterprises are also eligible to apply under this LOT 2. Only one winning proposition will be awarded under this LOT 2.
Lot 3
Supporting a new green business enterprise linking some or all 10 CLAs to a more profitable green business venture (e.g., Hass Avocado growing or growing Chilies) linked to a direct off-taker or value chain. This type of green business proposal must not exceed Euro 25,000. Support requested under this LOT 3 may cover Improved Production, Post-harvest and Storage costs, Product Processing, Packaging, and Marketing, and Training and Capacity Building; and must involve a minimum of 5 CLAs.
Eligibility – Private sector off-takers and value-chain actors with experience in working with smallholders involved in market-based forest-based green enterprises
Deadline for Submission
All proposals must be submitted by email to support@ecotrust.or.ug on or before 30th October 2021 and not later than 5.00pm (1700hrs) Uganda time.
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