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Strategic Objective 1

2022 - 2026

Strategic Objective 1

Market-Based Incentives to Promote Smallholder-Led Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) As a Business (RAAB) Delivered

The overall investment objective under SO1 is to transform the smallholder investment horizons from short to long-term ones that are characteristic of reforestation investments. Smallholders mainly invest to meet their short-term subsistence needs and would, therefore, find the conventional longterm gestation periods of tree growing unsuitable for meeting their needs. The ECOTRUST TGB model provides a payment for environmental services (PES) based sustainability incentive that motivates smallholders to participate in tree growing as a business. Other innovative market-based incentives and rewards for environmental outcomes will also be delivered. ECOTRUST uses a blended financing model (Public, Private and Internal Revenue) to reduce its transaction and operational costs to only 4 out every 10 dollars paid by the private sector buyers. Every participating farmer is, therefore, able to receive 60% of all their carbon payments directly into their accounts.  Each farmer then contributes 10% to the Community Carbon Fund (CCF) that serves as self-insurance fund that supports the same farmers in addressing any external shocks as well as providing start-up grants for multiple forest-based enterprises for sustainable forest management. Blended finance will, thus, be used as a de-risking tool to enhance smallholder participation. The main mechanism in SO1 will be scaling out TGB. The TGB model is designed to de-risk smallholder investments to ensure long-term investments in tree growing. SO1 will support interventions that build the capacity of households, communities, and their natural capital to prevent, mitigate and cope with risk, and recover from climate induced shocks through 4 Key Result Areas:

Key Result Area 1

Including voluntary recruitment under TGB, Conservation agreements, outright purchases, and leases. These would we accompanied by intensive baseline surveys, mapping studies, and community engagement and landowners’ engagement models.

Key Result Area 3

Including interventions focusing on designing and delivering sustainability incentive mechanisms rewarding environmental outcomes from various conservation initiatives.  Renewable energy and climate smart technology interventions will also fall under this result area

Key Result Area 2

Including Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA), Afforestation, Reforestation, Regeneration, improved forest management, and Ecosystem mitigation interventions. This will include all tree planting interventions either through agroforestry, enrichment planting, boundary planting assisted natural regeneration, and natural regeneration. This will also include wetland restoration. It will include interventions for technically specifying conservation initiatives in line with market standards as well as monitoring, verification, and reporting (MRV) systems for aggregating verifiable emission reductions (VERs). Interventions in this result area will promote the planting of mixed native tree species for enhanced biodiversity.

Key Result Area 4

Including designing forest-based green enterprises for TGB farmer groups to sustain woodlots beyond carbon payments


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