Strategic Objective 2
Investment Partnerships with Private Forest Owners, Government, Communities and Other Stakeholders to Ensure Protection of Functional Habitat Connectivity and Contribution to Sustainable Livelihoods
SO2 will support investment partnerships and other interventions aimed at establishing other effective area-based conservation measures (OEACMs) that can achieve effective in-situ conservation of biodiversity outside of protected areas. An ‘other effective area-based conservation measure’ is defined by the CBD (2018) as a geographically defined area, other than a Protected Area, which is governed and managed in ways that achieve positive and sustained long-term outcomes for the in-situ conservation of biodiversity, with associated ecosystem functions and services and, where applicable, cultural, spiritual, socio-economic, and other locally relevant values. Many private and communal forests in partner communities and landscapes fall into this category, while others will be supported to join the category for improved forest management.
OEACM is a relatively new category in conservation in Uganda. SO2 will support policy engagement interventions towards legal, policy, and institutional reform to enable the appropriate recognition of OEACMs. Additionally, SO2 will support increased coverage of ecologically representative areas of particular importance to biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services through trusteeships and investment partnerships.
SO2 will also foster engagement with a range of rights holders and stakeholders who contribute to area-based conservation outside protected areas. It will enhance connectivity between protected areas across landscapes by restoring wildlife corridors as conservation areas. SO2 will address climate change by contributing to net-zero policy engagement and awareness and by building resilience to the physical impacts of climate change through nature-based solutions.
Furthermore, SO2 will support sustainable landscapes and livelihoods through landscape-wide business cases that attract private sector investments and multi-stakeholder investment platforms coordinating landscape-wide investment plans. Key result areas under SO2 will include:

Key Result Area 1
This is the oldest of ECOTRUST programme areas dedicated to improving the management of land outside the protected area system. SO2 will continue to support interventions and partnerships that hold land in trust on behalf of individual PFOs, Community Groups and other stakeholders for improved forest management and biodiversity conservation. This will include establishment of community conservancies responsible for preservation of natural resources (e.g., Community Land Associations) as self-governing entities and developing ecotourism, eco-lodges and other green business opportunities.

Key Result Area 3
This is already an on-going programme area supporting the establishment of an enabling investment environment for private sector conservation investments; multistakeholder investment platforms (e.g., NARC-G, Kiiha Partnership Platform) coordinating landscape-wide investment plans; bankable business cases across landscapes to attract private sector capital inflows; and designing financing instruments to support green propositions. SO2 will also support the documentation of business models emerging from these investments.

Key Result Area 2
This another program area that has become prominent especially in the Murchison Landscape. SO2 will support interventions that further support restoration of connectivity of in wildlife corridors – especially those connecting forest reserves in various landscapes. SO2 will support interventions that survey and map critical connectivity linkages that need restoration. SO2 will support land acquisition, ecosystem restoration and sustainability investments and partnerships for the restoration of connectivity in key corridors

Key Result Area 4
Of marginalized groups in conservation investments. This will support interventions in gender mainstreaming methodologies (e.g., Gender Action and Learning Systems (GALS)) in partner communities and landscapes; Gendered green investments campaigns for youth and women; and youth and women conservation initiatives; and advocacy initiatives for Gender in Conservation
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