Strategic Objective 3
Co-Financing Arrangements to Protect the Ecological Integrity and Functionality of Natural Capital in Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECMS) to Generate Goods and Services that Benefit Local Communities and Biodiversity
Interventions under SO3 will enhance the flow of environmental services in support of socio-economic transformation in protected areas. SO3 contributes to Sustainable development Goal 15 that seeks to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Without tangible benefits from conservation, communities will not value the protected areas, which is likely to result into increased risks as communities focus on the unsustainable extraction of resources for their own use. It is against this background SO3 will support organized community-based organizations to acquire equitable and inclusive resource access and benefit sharing from protected areas through nature-based solutions. SO3 will support sustainable tourism initiatives and use eco-tourism as a tool to reduce threats to biodiversity and conserve critical ecosystems across diverse landscapes to ensure sustained economic growth. Key result areas under SO3 will include;

Key Result Area 1
To organized community groups (CFM, CBOs, Consortia) to enable interact with and benefit from protected areas through nature-based solutions as provided by law. This will include grants to community groups responsible for OEACMs and convergencies to develop eco-businesses and eco-enterprises within Pas and OEACMs. Grants will be administered through several facilities within the ECOTRUST Green Investment Ventures (GIVES) Platform – a grant making framework.

Key Result Area 2
Direct engagement and professional contributions to key national and international biodiversity conservation, climate change and sustainable development policy frameworks. This will include providing expert advice to government, donor partners and other stakeholders in designing incentives schemes for conservation. This will also include undertaking joint research with prominent research institutions and publishing articles and models in peer reviewed journals.

Key Result Area 3
Innovative community-based monitoring programmes for tracking threats and opportunities to conservation leading to behavioral change communication programmes; Using multi-media to document and communicate relevant aspects of OEACMs as well as the evolution of policies and best practices of OEACMs as protected areas; Running capacity development events and facilitating lesson sharing among diverse rights holders and stakeholders.
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