30 ECOTRUST Staff participated in a five-day Gender Action Learning System (GALS) Methodology training facilitated by GALS facilitators from Oxfam, CEFORD, Poro Poro and Wadelai Empowerment Learning Centers (ELCs) in Hoima district from 19th to the 23rd of April 2021.
Gender Action Learning System (GALS) is a structured community-led empowerment methodology aimed at creating self-led economic, social, and political transformation at either household, community or organizational level. GALS is a mainstreaming methodology for women and men to address gender issues important to the effectiveness of any development intervention. It has been integrated across different interventions worldwide including in Agricultural value chains, Gender Based Violence Interventions, Village Savings and Associations, Functional Adult Literacy, climate change and advocacy interventions. At present Oxfam is using GALS in eight countries in Africa (Burundi, DRC, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and Uganda) and five countries in Asia (Indonesia, Laos, Pakistan, Cambodia and Vietnam). Using the power of symbols and principles of inclusion, GALS uses a set of tools that enable individuals, households, and organisations to plan their futures, identify and negotiate their needs and interests for gender-equitable livelihoods. It enables them to change the gender and power relations that would otherwise constrain them from achieving their visions.
This five-day training course covered tools in: Vision Road Journey, Achievement Road Journey, Empowerment Map, Gender Balance Tree, Challenge Action Tree, Multilane highway, Market maps and Income trees.
Moving forward, ECOTRUST hopes to use the Gender Action and Learning Systems approach in her joint visioning and planning activities at household level to ensure gender equal and climate smart landscapes.
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