
Mehedi Hasan

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Key Result Area 3


HIWA Programme

The USAID/Uganda HIV/AIDS and Health Initiatives in the Workplaces Activity (HIWA) is a 5 year program funded by USAID. The program is a national program implemented in 50 districts by World Vision Inc in partnership with RTI International (RTI), Uganda Health Marketing Group (UHMG), The AIDS Support Organization (TASO), Environmental Conservation Trust of Uganda (ECOTRUST) and The Medical Concierge Group (TMCG).

Communal Land Associations

In a bid to maintain connectivity within the Murchison : Semiliki biodiversity corridor, ECOTRUST has since 2007 been working with the local government of Masindi District to use innovative conservation models to promote community led initiatives for Sustainable forest management of community forests.

Summary of Key Strategies

Support CBOs in equitable and inclusive resource access and benefit sharing from protected areas

  • Supporting the establishment of Protected Area level platforms : through which communities can negotiate for resource access
  • Supporting review/renegotiation &/or development of community led forest management Plans
  • Supporting the development of wetland management plans/agreements
  • Supporting the development of forest – level CFM platforms

Establish and integrate alternative low-carbon (green) nature-based enterprises in the value chains

  • Supporting the development of landscape level platforms through which viable enterprises can be identified
  • Developing business cases for select agricultural value chains such as; cocoa, coffee, vanilla and honey
  • Developing funding proposals on value chains development

Raise community awareness on values and benefits of conservation

  • Building capacity of communities to hold private companies accountable on application of best practices such as;
    • Expansion of commercial agriculture into critical sites (communal forests and wetland)
    • Implementation of EIA/SEA Regulations on oil & gas explorations
  • Community based monitoring of CFM and CLA sites
  • Documentation of lessons learned under the Eco-system-based Adaptation Programme (EBA)

Establish ICT platforms to curb illegal access and encroachment in protected areas.

  • Development of a mobile App for communities to support the capturing of monitoring information for advocacy purposes
  • Building capacity of communities to actively participate in a robust forest M&E system
  • Media engagement through television and radio talk shows
  • Online petitions to engage with the International Community / policy makers.

Establishment of wildlife risk mitigation incentive schemes

Human Wildlife Conflict Resilience Fund – A local community-driven and financed compensation scheme that aims at enhancing community resilience to losses from wildlife incursions. This has been developed in collaboration with the Jane Goodall Institute and Chimpanzee Trust with funding from USAID through Uganda Biodiversity Fund