The purpose of the workshop, organized by ECOTRUST, was to bring together partner organizations to gain an understanding of a 5-year community carbon project for RESTORE Africa. The workshop brought together Program Managers from the RESAF consortium partner organizations to comprehend the design of the Global Evergreening Alliance (GEA) carbon component and to map out how they would align their current conservation business models with the proposed RESAF carbon programming. Participating organizations included CRS, ULN, Caritas, CARE, ICRAF & World Vision.
Over the course of five days, the participants actively engaged in interactive learning sessions, shared knowledge, and embarked on field visits for practical observations of community-level carbon programming initiatives. The primary aim was to provide valuable insights into the implementation of a smallholder community carbon scheme that enhanced resilience to climate shocks, improved livelihoods and food security, and built sustainable landscapes. This served as an introductory workshop to support the selection of the technical aspects.
The overall theme of the workshop was: BUILDING THE CAPACITY OF CONSORTIUM PARTNERS FOR CARBON PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION: Strengthening Operational Efficiency of the Restore Africa Carbon Component in Uganda.
The specific objectives of the workshop were:
- • Build a common understanding of the GEA/CAM Global Carbon program expectations and align these with the current consortium partners’ operational/business models.
• Develop organizational and beneficiary-level value propositions and design multiple activities/lanes and milestones for delivering these propositions.
• Understand Community Engagement processes and tools for Free and Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) and long-term sustainability of carbon programs.
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