ECOTRUST’s efforts in building partnerships for conservation have led to the signing of long-term purchase agreements with two carbon emission reduction partners i.e. ZeroMission based in Sweden and Myclimate, a Swiss foundation. In addition, ECOTRUST entered into a partnership with KUA, a sustainable coffee supply company based in Australia to support Mt. Elgon Coffee farmers in the provision of watershed services, critical to the sustainability of the coffee supply chain. Through this partnership, KUA is engaging with coffee growers to invest in watershed management systems and watershed services in order to mitigate the risk of lower coffee production and improve the livelihoods of small-holder producers.
These kinds of partnerships, supported by numerous private companies such as ZeroMission, Myclimate, Max Burgers, KUA, COTAP have enabled Trees for Global Benefit to inspire tens of thousands of small-scale landholder farmers in Uganda to work together towards protecting, restoring and improving the natural and productive ecosystems on which they depend. Trees for Global Benefit, is a cooperative community carbon offsetting scheme that links smallholder farmers in Uganda to the voluntary carbon market as a reward for sustainably managing landscapes. The aim of the Trees for Global Benefit project is to produce long-term, verifiable voluntary emission reductions by combining carbon sequestration with rural livelihood improvements through small-scale, farmer led, forestry/agroforestry projects while reducing pressure on natural resources in national parks and forest reserves.
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