Following a month-long training of post year 10 TGB farmers from the pioneer project districts i.e., Rubirizi and Mitooma (Queen Elizabeth landscape) in green business planning and development, the TGB project in December of 2020 incentivized four farmer groups with seed capital worth USD 5300 (UGX 20,000,000) each to invest in green business enterprises. This strategy is expected to stimulate long term investments in forestry / agro-forestry activities within these farming communities.
The four groups i.e., Kiyanga Environmental Conservation Association, Bitereko Farmers Carbon Group, Ndangara-Nyakiyanja Tutungukye Group and Katanda Tree growers Association were recognised at the 2020 Annual Stakeholders virtual event in December 2020 for their business ideas that included (but were not limited to) bee keeping and tree nursery bed enterprises.
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