
Mehedi Hasan

Hi, My name is Mehedi Hasan Nahid, I am a web developer.

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The Environmental Conservation Trust of Uganda

Sub National Emission Reduction Programmes for Albert and Kyoga Water Management Zones, Uganda

Sub National Emission Reduction Programmes for Albert and Kyoga Water Management Zones, Uganda

ECOTRUST is working in a Winrock international led process to support the government of Uganda to design Emission Reduction (ER) Programs and prepare associated ER-Program documents (ER-PIN and ERPD) under the REDD+ initiative. REDD+ was established as a mechanism to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by providing financial incentives to developing countries […]

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Restoring corridor Connectivity in the Northern Albertine Rift

Restoring corridor Connectivity in the Northern Albertine Rift

In partnership with IUCN Committee of The Netherlands, ECOTRUST has embarked on a process of developing a detailed plan for re-establishing critical linkages within the Northern Albertine Rift Forest Corridor.  This follows recommendations for boosting the establishment of the corridor generated through a multi-stakeholder process initiated in 2019. This corridor […]

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Celebrating 15 Years of Trees for Global Benefits

Celebrating 15 Years of Trees for Global Benefits

This ECOTRUST 2018 Stakeholders event was a celebration of ECOTRUST’s Trees for Global Benefit Programme, which has for the last 15 years grown into one of the biggest carbon offsetting schemes in the world (under the Plan Vivo standard of certification), linking rural poor small-holder farmers to the financing of the voluntary carbon market.

Date: 9th November 2018
Venue: Golf Course Hotel Kampala

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